Saturday, April 28, 2007

Professor Ross

It turns out that going to grad school makes you a grad student, and grad students don't really get financial aid. After weighing my options i have decided to finally get my first job(ever). I am proud to say that I have never "worked" a day in my life at the age of 21. Sure some volunteer work and tutoring here and there, but never a paycheck. Of course this hopefully won't be just any first job, I've applied to be a TA at Humboldt state university. There is a very good chance that this means I will end up teaching a class...did you hear me? TEACH A CLASS! You know, me in front of like 35 incoming freshman writing things on the board, assigning homework, calling on people, what a trip! As you can tell i'm clearly excited, huh, excited about working, who would have ever seen that coming...

In other news, two of my three presentations are over, and i think they went rather well. In stress class me and Emily presented on tai chi as a way to pull it all together, she made a sweet power point, i blabbed alot, it went well. In math programming my presentation was just right on time (about 15 minutes) but i skipped over some parts to make it happen. I'm still happy with my program and even received some hushed "eww"s and "ahh"s from the crowd when i showed it off, so that was nice. All that's left now is present the traffic model in PDE and i'm home free...

p.s. The doggie daycare people didn't like rajah, they said he was aggressive because he growled...but he's still a puppy and they're just rajist.

Monday, April 16, 2007


From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then–in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life–was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

I came across this in my complete Poe book, and after reading it like a dozen times, this has become one of my favorites of his works. It has it all, the dark, macabre feeling, references to the supernatural, and that haunting marching rhythm that defines his poetry. What you take from this piece is up to you, wiki and poe sites claim it's about him mourning his mothers death, but i take it more personally. We've all questioned why and how we're different and wondered about the nature of good and evil, and where we fit in in this world. Do dark thoughts beget a dark nature? or does a dark nature beget dark thoughts?... none the less it speaks to me in some amazingly personal way...

Onto other notes. Rajah is at his first day of doggie daycare today, we hope he likes it. We're putting him there for two reasons 1.) So he isn't alone on the days when we both go to school for a long time, and 2.) we want him to get to play with more dogs, you know, socialisation and fun. Other than that school is being ugly right now, lots of projects and papers due, it's all quite frustrating, it's just hard to care about stressful projects when you've already got a passing grade in the class. Hey, at least Emi gets to be my partner for one of the presentations i have left(nurs 400, Tai Chi)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Monitors,Grad School and Rajah

...So much for posting once a week, at least I've got excuses.

The good news is I managed pulled a 90 on my PDE test, and I set the curve on my programming test, meaning that very little stands in the way between me and graduation. I also was accepted in the graduate program I applied to, for the next two years i will be working on a Masters of Science in Environmental Systems at Humboldt State University, and I'm thrilled. The program is interdisciplinary combining; geologists, environmental resource engineers, math modelers, and students of international development technology. The program has us work together in a more "real world" context, but still gives out individual degrees (mine will be an MS in Environmental System Math Modeling). Suffice to say you'll hear plenty more about this...

The bad news is that my monitor crapped out. The damn thing isn't even that old, but poof, dead. So now i have to scrounge up so money to go get a new monitor ( you know, so i can use my computer at all) and they aren't that cheap! Plus I'm being forced into ordering a flat monitor from the internet!

We also took Rajah into the vet to get, um, altered. The surgery went fine, and he's getting his stitches out today. The good news for him is that now that he's at least 5 months old and fixed, we can start taking him to the doggie day care when we go to school. So instead of being bored at the house all day when we're gone, he can go play with other dogs and earn some socialization benefits.

Hopefully my monitor will come soon...